The Australian Helicopter Industry Association (AHIA) is thrilled to announce the launch of its rebrand and new website. This milestone marks an exciting new chapter for the organisation, as it continues to champion the growth and development of the Australian helicopter industry and addressing the current challenges facing all operators.

The Australian Helicopter Industry Future Fund (AHIFF) has announced the six young recipients from around Australia who have won scholarships to further their engineering study.
Australian Helicopter Industry Association (AHIA) President and AHIFF Board Member Ray Cronin announced the winners as part of tonight's RotorTech 2024 Industry Dinner.

AHIFF Helicopter Engineering Apprenticeship Scholarships.
AHIFF Scholarships update:
Please be advised that the AHIA has extended the Scholarship application submission deadline until 15 May 2024.
The Australian Helicopter Industry Association (AHIA) and Australian Helicopter Industry Future Foundation (AHIFF) are pleased to announce they are now taking applications for a number of helicopter engineering apprenticeship scholarships.

Lowes Air joins the AHIA.
Lowes Air is proud to be a member of the AHIA . Lowes Air is the aviation specific service business, established to provide dedicated solutions to the general aviation industry.
The AHIA is an important industry association and as part of Lowes air commitment to General Aviation in Australia we feel it is important to support the AHIA.

Flight Training and Flight Testing for Aerial Mustering Endorsements.
The AHIA is pleased to confirm that CASA will release an Aerial Mustering Approval Instrument in coming days following considerable collaboration and consultation with the Association and it’s Board members and in particular John Armstrong, Myles Tompkins and Ray Cronin.

AHIA Newsletter Issue 08 - Spring 2022.
The last few months have been particularly challenging given the frequent flooding throughout the eastern states.
Members have been providing essential support to the SES ground operations, as well direct help to flood-isolated towns, communities and individuals.
These efforts again reinforce how essential helicopter operations are in times of national need, and in assisting communities and the economy to recover.

AHIA Newsletter Issue 5 - Summer 2022.
Happy and Safe New Year to all; one could be forgiven to imagine the starter’s gun for the race into 2022 was full of blanks given the ongoing disruption to our lives and businesses.
However, the great positive outlook for our industry is that most sectors are dealing with the day to day logistics, and borders are opening up which will undoubtedly improve the plight of the tourism industry albeit mostly domestic for the foreseeable future.