The Association has four categories of membership
Platinum Membership: $5000 + GST
More information
Company Membership: $1500 + GST
Voting. Holders of AOC, CofA, COR or other CASA licences.
Associate Company: $750 + GST
Non voting. Not holding an AOC, CofA, COR or other CASA licence or approval. Other suppliers of goods and services to the industry.
Individual Membership: $130 + GST
Voting. Holders of CASA aircrew licences, AME
& LAME, aircrewman, full time workers in the helicopter industry, government employees.
Non voting. Available to all holders of the Helicopter Student Pilots Licence.
Membership benefits:
Advocacy and advice on Regulatory issues
Monthly email updates from CEO
Quarterly e-newsletters
Listing in Membership Directory
Assistance with networking and business development
Priority Seating at ROTORTECH Conference
$200 discount to exhibit at ROTORTECH Exposition
For further information and to apply for membership,
please contact the AHIA
Julian Fraser
CEO/Company Secretary
ceo@austhia.com | 0418 349 415