AHIFF Helicopter Engineering Apprenticeship Scholarships.
AHIFF Scholarships update:
Please be advised that the AHIA has extended the Scholarship application submission deadline until 15 May 2024.
The Australian Helicopter Industry Association (AHIA) and Australian Helicopter Industry Future Foundation (AHIFF) are pleased to announce they are now taking applications for a number of helicopter engineering apprenticeship scholarships.
AHIFF propose to award $3,000 scholarships to an eligible recipient in each state plus Northern Territory. The scholarships will be funded equally by AHIFF and AMDA Foundation Limited and winners will be announced at the Australian Helicopter Industry Association (AHIA) Conference on 5th June 2024 as part of RotorTech 2024 Helicopter and Uncrewed Flight Exposition at the Gold Coast.
The scholarship eligibility criteria include that the applicant is currently employed by a member of the Australian Helicopter Industry Association, as a 2nd or 3rd year apprentice maintenance engineer, servicing the rotor-wing industry.
The scholarships will be paid following RotorTech 2024 and it is envisaged that the funds will offset costs incurred by the applicants in such things as tooling and type courses undertaken as professional development.
The objective of providing these scholarships is to retain high calibre engineers, and, particularly in regional areas where a critical shortage of LAMES exists.
AHIFF is a registered charity which was established in 2022 following an extraordinarily generous donation from John Cameron, as his legacy to replenish the skills shortage in helicopter engineering nationwide.
Applications for the scholarships are now open at
www.ahiff.org.au/scholarship-application-2024 and close 15th of May 2024.
Click here to go scholarship application page
For further information contact:
Julian Fraser